In the third quarter of 2018, Tinhvan Lab was born and immediately started researching HiFace project. HiFace is a smart camera detection system that supports supervision /security or attendance/in-out systems in organizations / businesses.
The first version of HiFace was demoed after only 01 (one) month of research and development. In this version, HiFace identifies the face with an error rate of less than 10% in ideal conditions: cooperation of user, face-to-face, uniform lighting. However, for this version, Tinhvan’s HiFace was able to identify the face even though it had only been trained before. This is the distinct strength of HiFace compared to a few similar products in Vietnam at this time.
During this period, HiFace also attended and won the runner-up prize of Vietnam Hackathon contest 2018 in the framework of Japan ICT Day 2018. With the theme “Smart city”, the team representing Tinhvan Lab gave a solution to turn the whole common system of CCTV and IP Camera in the city becomes Smart Camera thanks to HiFace technology application. With high feasibility and applicability in Smart City, HiFace has received many compliments from Vietnamese and Japanese IT experts.
Turning to the fourth quarter of 2018 and the first quarter of 2019, Tinhvan Lab continued to study new technologies: big data, machine leanrning …, for better improvement of HiFace, and collection of databases on faces Asia to create a “model” set (data of Vietnamese model face) with HiFace. At the end of Quarter 1/2019, the latest version of HiFace was introduced and ready to market.
In this current version, HiFace’s exact recognition rate is up to 99.5%, especially it is able to accurately identify face with/without makeup, even wear glasses, hats and masks (watch the illustrated Video here).

Figure: HiFace can identify faces wearing masks, hats and faces that do not look directly at the camera
The process of training of a new face is also optimized from 1-2 seconds and the time for identification feedback in the database only takes 0.3 seconds. HiFace also has the ability to analyze multi-points, draw a face vector map to identify accurately, thereby simulating the 3D face only from a single image.Currently, HiFace has been developed to serve specific industries such as:
- Finance, Banking, Insurance, Immigration: Biometric system helps to authenticate high safety user information, counterfeit fraud and fraud in professional operations
- School safety: Identifying the information of receptionist; checking attendance; monitoring common area; Detecting dangerous objects
- Retail / Store system: Collecting customer’s information; customer’s record; monitoring sales area
- Marketing: measuring and summarizing data on sex and age of passenger in the monitoring area
- Businesses: Identifying the identity of people entering and leaving; checking employees/contractors in/out; managing the restricted area; Opening the door based on face…
Recently, HiFace has officially been put into HiStaff Human Resource Management software, becoming a first model of managing employees by photo in Vietnam applying AI.
HiFace will continuously be upgraded and developed to meet the demands and trends of the current technology market.