On 30 October 2017, the Northern Academic Libraries Association (NALA) cooperated with Quang Trung University to organize a workshop “Building Endogenous Open Learning Materials for the libraries of Vietnamese universities” in Quy Nhon City
The workshop was attended by more than 50 delegates from the university libraries not only in the North but also in the Central and Ho Chi Minh City, together with the leaders of the Vietnam Library Association, the national library, the local libraries and some enterprises providing IT solutions in the field of library

Board of chairman
Building a digital resource is a trend of modern library development because the habits and methods of receiving information from society is also being changed. Therefore, the presentations and comments focused on providing solutions to connect and share endogenous resources among Vietnamese academic libraries, which both complies with the governmental regulations of copyright and supports readers to exploit the valuable digital resources that libraries make a lot effort and budget to research.
Also, Library and Information Center, Vietnam National University, Hanoi (LIC) introduced an integrated search portal of local resources used at 4 universities in Vietnam and Singapore and then provided connection model with other schools in the future. Up to now, LIC has built up a library of 50,000 highly scientific value documents in all fields of training and research at VNU. Every year, this resource is increased from 8,000 to 10,000 new materials which are scientific research thesis, dissertations, books published by VNA publishing house, records of scientific conferences in Vietnam and other countries.
With the aim of helping students and staff effectively exploit this digital resource, LIC has been implementing Tinhvan’s Bookworm software solution. This application allows readers to borrow and read e-book installed on any device such as a computer, tablet or smartphone which enable them to access and conveniently exploit their local resources of school anytime and anywhere. Also, the Bookworm is used for packaging and managing local digital resources, providing the policy of borrowing and returning, protecting digital document authority, and share with other libraries.
Mr. Pham Thuc Truong Luong, representative of Tinh Van, presented the Libol Digital library and Bookworm solution as well as the ability to construct the common endogenous library for NALA. “The changing from library to the online digital environment is vital so that the company can be an important knowledge channel for readers. However, the interests of readers, library, author and publishers should be ensured if the data is digitized. Generally, technology solutions of purchasing and borrowing e-book must be alike paper books”, Luong said

Mr. Pham Thuc Truong Luong-presented about Libol Digital và Bookworm
Supporting libraries in the past 10 years, Tinhvan group has been the sponsor of this event. Libol Digital Library Solution has been deployed on 150 libraries in Vietnam. In particular, Libol Digital Library software with Bookworm application is a comprehensive and effective solution for libraries in digital document management, effectively supports the construction of common local resources.