At Hanoi Youth Theater, Tinhvan technology joint stock company was honored to get the prize Sao Khue 2018 with the solution of e-document circulation called Libol Bookworm on 21st, Apr 2018. This prize was awarded to products or solutions of special commerce software by VINASA

Lê Linh – Leader of Libol Bookworm – Representative of Tinhvan

Libol Bookworm was honored at the ceremony Sao Khue 2018
Libol Bookworm is a software developed by the combination of the outstanding features of Libol Digital Library Management System and the application of borrowing and reading e-book known as Bookworm. This is an interactive electronic library software that connects with other libraries from schools, enterprises or organizations … in order to manage and provide digital data and e-book for readers with efficiency, prompt, convenience but still follow the security and compliance of electronic authority
According to Libol integrated system, each library is able to manage, monitor and report the online borrowing and returning with the real-time as well as maintain an electronic circulation policy which is similar to paper documents. Meanwhile, the Bookworm application installed on the personal devices allows users to log in with the account provided by their libraries and actively do the functions such as: borrowing, reading, returning, extending, reserving books or other materials. Readers definitely can borrow, return, use documents on the software without going to the library.
With modern technology and outstanding functions, Libol Bookworm is at the forefront of digital library management, which makes Vietnamese libraries integrate into the tendency of universal libraries: digital resource gathering
In order to help students and staff effectively exploit the digital resources with 50,000 scientific documents in all fields of training and research, Library and Information Center Vietnam National University, Hanoi deployed Libol Bookworm, a Tinhvan’s software solution at the beginning of 2018. It helps readers to access and exploit the local resources conveniently every time and everywhere, supports the packaging and management of local digital resources, provides the borrowing and returning policy, protects the digital right and shares documents with other libraries.

Bookworm download guide interface for various smartphone platforms

Bookworm Interface at Library and Information Center Vietnam National University, Hanoi
Tinhvan has been honored to get 23 prizes called Sao Khue created by Vinasa in the past of 15 years. It means that Tinhvan’s products get the high-quality with the investment as well as customers and experts’ evaluation.