Tinhvan is currently deploying a full system of quality management. This system helps Tinhvan increase its competencies, expand the customer base and minimize risks in project delivery and deployment.
ISO/IEC 9001:2015
On 27 April 2015, Tinhvan received the ISO 9001:2015 issued by DAS/UKAS, UK. Tinh Van got this version at the first time in 2009. This standard provides a collection of standardized requirements for a Quality Management System (QMS) which helps Tinhvan develop its products to meet customers’ expectations. Before that, on 1 Nov 2006, Tinhvan received ISO 9001:2000 from DAS/UKAS. |
ISO/IEC 27001:2013
On 27 April 2015, Tinhvan received ISO/IEC 27001:2013 from DAS/UKAS, UK. This is the upgraded version from ISO 27001:2005. ISO 27001 is the standard on quality management and information security for enterprises. This set of standards were built and developed based on the standards of information system security BS 7799 of UK’s Institute of Standards. This is an international standard with obligations which helps Tinhvan create, execute, operate, monitor, evaluate and improve its Information Security Management System (ISMS).
CMMI level 3
On 21 Dec 2010, Tinhvan received CMMi-Level 3. CMMi is the certificate which measured the maturity in software development, issued by Software Engineering Institute (SEI), USA developed. This certificate is globally recognized, and it defines the maturity of companies in software development and related services. CMMi-DEV provides a competed integrated guidance for product and service development, which helps Tinhvan improve it’s software production process. |