On the morning of April 26, 2019, at Sport Hotel, Tinhvan Technology Joint Stock Company (Tinhvan Group) organized successfully the annual General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) 2019.

From left to right: Mr. Phan Quang Minh (Head of Supervisory Board), Mr. Nguyen Huy Cuong (member of the Board of Directors), Mr. Nguyen Son Tung (member of the Board of Directors), Mr. Hoang To (Chairman of the Board of Directors), Mr. Osamu Ishiguro (member Board of Directors, TIS representative), Mr. Nguyen Quan Son (Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors).
Attending the meeting were members of the Board of Directors, Supervisory Board, Executive Board of Tinhvan Group and shareholders and legal representatives of shareholders, accounting for over 90% of the total voting shares. At the meeting, the Chairman of Tinhvan Group – Mr. Hoang To presented the report of the Board of Directors to the shareholders. In 2018, in the context of many positive changes and outstanding results of Vietnam’s economy, Tinhvan also had many new developments in technology, management and especially in business efficiency. The year 2018 is also an important year when the leading IT group in Japan TIS has officially invested and become the first strategic shareholder of Tinhvan on June 20, 2018. With the participation of TIS, a series of work segments are implemented simultaneously. In June 2018 Tinhvan Technology Research and Development Center (TVLab) was also established, focusing on research and transfer in the AI field, image recognition and natural language processing, chatbot, blockchain and data science. The members of Tinhvan Group also have certain successes in business operations, although the revenue does not meet the expected targets, but there is also a significant growth in profit compared to 2017.
After that, the Chairman of the Board of Directors reported to the shareholders the operation of the Board of Directors in 2018, the goals and plans of 2019 and the proposed contents in the General Meeting. The General Meeting of Shareholders also listened to reports of the Board of Management, Supervisory Board, Financial Statements, and the plan in using profits in 2018.
In the discussion, the shareholders raised some questions to the Board of Directors and the Board of Management about the Company’s operations and they were all satisfactorily answered. At the end of the meeting, the shareholders presenting the meeting voted to approve the main issues, including the Report of the Board of Directors, Report of the Executive Board, Report of the Supervisory Board; Business results 2018; Plan and business targets 2019; Financial statements and profit distribution plan for 2018 with the approval rate of over 90% of the total number of voting shares.