eFile is the solution to computerize the overall operation of archiving management unit. This is the first integrated software in Vietnam in this sector. eFile consists of several modules that correspond to the operation profession group for an implementing storage management agency.
Outstanding Features
- Archived documents Management:
- Different types of document support
- Data field customization, dynamic data input frame for document category
- Confidential level setting up and archived document accessibility authorization
- Statistic, document borrowing and returning management… by barcode
- Controlling and automate notifying of documents cancellation deadline, submitting and saving back to storage center
- Designing of automate archiving with millions of documents
- Flexible authorization management for different users by functionality
- Data mining
- Accessing for exploiting anytime, anywhere via Internet connection
- Multi devices deployment support
- Interface language adjusting customization
- Users authorization for archived document assessment
- Simple search, advanced search, full-text search support
- Document Identification Digitization
- Automate digitizing, document identification and transferring of JPG, GIF, TIFF ... to PDF, Word, and Excel…
- The digitized ability, accurate identification of more than 90%
- Spelling checking station is set up per requested
- Statistic - Report
- Various and completed report template for functions
- On-demand reports establishment
- Integrating ability
- Automatically links to digitized identification system
- System integrating with software such as Libol, Foldio…
Main Modules
- Collecting Module
- Compiling – Editing Module
- Circulating Module
- Online searching Module
- Digitalized resource Module
- Management Module
- Category Module
Customers State Records Management and Archives Department of Vietnam; Ministry of Foreign Affairs; General Department of Taxation; Petrovietnam Exploration Production Corporation Partners

Awards Sao Khue Awards in of 2006, 2012

- Software Packages
- Software Solutions
- Online, Digital Content and Mobile Products