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E_FormeForm: Workflow Automate software
Electronic forms (E-Form) is the electronic version of paper forms, which was managed, stored on the computer and circulating in the network environment. E-Form is to serve the data collection requirement of an online public services and organizing data in a standard format, finalizing to send to a software application that provides that online services.

Outstanding Features
  • Establishing, approving and publishing (design)
    • Category defining and managing
    • Flexibility in adding, adjusting (in the draft format)
    • Setting up the publishing process for different user groups as per unit’s process
  • Demonstration, Display
    • Displaying supporting information, relevant processes and procedures...
    • Displaying the input fields for the users, allowing the user to enter information such as: Direct input text data; Imported data from selected category; Imported data from electronic attached documents (files), including text files, images, ...
  • The security and system safety
    • System provides each user authorization, to ensure that users cannot access to the functions that out of authorization

Main Modules
  • Format
  • Data field
  • Document Processing
  • Procedure
  • Document
  • Profile

Customers Ministry of Finance; State Bank of Vietnam
Partners 1
Interface eForm