Qualita: Assets Management Software
Qualita is a complete solution for asset management operations. The system includes several modules that correspond to the main stages asset management functional process and is designed in accordance with government regulations on decentralized asset management, management regimes and asset depreciation.
Outstanding Features
Typical Awards
Sao Khue Award of 2015

- High compliance & scalability
- Able to operate on large scale, various structure computer
- Compliant with Windows operating system from 2003 and later
- Being designed, developed and operated follows latest technology standard
- Flexible web-bases interface by each system function
- Multilingual
- Data mining, searching
- Accessing, exploiting every when and where through Internet
- Multi devices exploiting supporting
- Language modification interface customization
- Dynamic searching interfaces
- Simple search, advanced search, full-text search support
- Security & system safety
- User authorization, to ensure that users cannot access to the functions that out of authorization
- Statistic - Report
- Various and completed report template for functions
- On-demand reports establishment
- Integration ability
- Allowing to integrate with other systems in a simple and convenient way
- Unlimited integrating and extending widget services: LDAP, AD, GIS, BARCODE…
- Technology platform
- Applying different popular technology platform nowadays: HTML5, jQuery… and different database platforms: SQL Server or Oracle Server
- Multiple access at one time
- 3 layers security: Database level, application level, operating system level
- Asset Management
- Asset fluctuation management
- Information communication
- Searching, data query
- Report
- Category management

- Software Packages
- Software Solutions
- Online, Digital Content and Mobile Products